Using the two-level fuzzy comprehensive theory for the realibilty testing of the crank pin in the non-beam pump is discussed in this article. 利用二级模糊综合评判原理对无游梁式抽油机曲柄销的可靠度进行预测。
The load applied on the crank pin of a beam pumping unit and the failure patterns of the pin are analyzed. 分析了游梁式抽油机曲柄销所受载荷及失效形式。
The procedures are chamfering both sides of the gudgeon pin and crank pin core and semi-finishing the crank pin bore at a rate of1000 pieces per hour at100% efficiency. 加工工序是对活塞销孔和曲轴销孔的两侧端面倒角,并半精镗曲轴销孔,在负荷率100%时,生产率为每小时1000件。
The design of a support with eccentricity for turning high-power 9 cylinders diesel engine crank pin 大型9缸柴油机曲轴连杆轴颈车削偏心扶架设计
Reducer, crank pin bearing so small and no reverse impact load that reducer tooth broken, crank pin fracture will not happen. 减速机、曲柄销受力小,无反向冲击负荷,减速机打齿、曲柄销折断的故障不会发生。
The main causes is analysed for looseness of the threaded connection on pumping unit crank pin and the corresponding preventive measures are proposed. 分析抽油机曲柄销螺纹联接在使用中发生松动的主要原因,并提出相应的预防措施;
Failure analysis and connection design of pumping unit crank pin 抽油机曲柄销失效分析及联接设计
This method can also be used to predict the failure probability of the crank pin. 利用这种设计计算方法还可以预测曲柄销的失效概率。
The author holds further that the crank pin rotation on conventional pumping units should be assigned in counterclockwise direction and makes a suggestion on developing a kind of crank counterbalance with adjustable phase angle. 作者还认为,常规式抽油机的曲柄旋转方向应规定为逆时针,并建议研制可调相位角的曲柄平衡重。
The design criterion of the connection between the crank pin and the crank and the equation for calculating the pretightening torque on the threads are presented. 提出了曲柄销与曲柄联接的设计准则及螺纹预紧力矩的计算公式。
Distribution of the force acting on connecting rod hole via piston pin and crank pin; 活塞销、曲柄销对连杆孔的分布作用力的研究;
In this paper, two different restrict boundary conditions are adopted in Finite Element Analyze of connecting rod assembly, the stiff restrict of adopting crank pin and elastic restrict of crank. The contact cell applied with I DEAS Master Series 7.0 is used. 在对连杆组件进行有限元静力分析中,采用了两种不同的约束边界条件&刚性约束(即采用曲柄销约束)和弹性约束(即采用曲拐约束)。
The Design of Crank Pin for Motorcycle Engine 摩托车发动机曲柄销设计初探
Fracture analysis of crank pin 曲柄销轴断裂分析
Some structural improvements on parts and components of the LPMRI's pumping units, including horse head, pitman and crank pin, and substantial results obtained through practice are mainly introduced here. 本文主要介绍兰石所抽油机在驴头、连杆、曲柄销等零部件结构方面的改进和使用效果。
The equation for calculating minimum tightening torque on the crank pin nut is given. 给出了曲柄销联接螺母的最小拧紧力矩计算公式。
Field operations and calculations show that there are rather higher noise and rather more crank pin failures on pumping units with phased counterbalance crank now commonly used due to the larger pitman force and the larger horizontal component on the frame. 实践和计算表明,目前国内使用的异相曲柄平衡抽油机因连杆力和支架水平分力大而加剧噪音,曲柄销折断事故增多。
The four-bar linkage included in the mechanical steering system of industrial vehicles is composed of the crank of steering gear, longitudinal connecting rod, the arm on kin pin and frame. 在轮式工业车辆的机械式转向操纵系统中,联系转向器与梯形机构的纵拉杆机构,在构造上属于含有两个球铰和两个圆柱铰的RSSR机构。
Failure analysis of the crank pin assembly on beam pumping units Welding and machining of connection sleeve of rear horsehead on special type beam pumping units 游梁式抽油机曲柄销联接机构失效分析异型游梁抽油机后驴头连接套的焊接与加工
A mechanical model for calculating the strength of the crank pin on pumping units is established by a rotary coordinate. 采用动坐标系建立了曲柄销强度计算的力学模型。
Torque on Pumping Unit Crank Pin 作用在抽油机曲柄销上的扭矩问题
The crank pin institutions and pendulum institutions are widely used on the domestic combine harvester at present. 目前国内的联合收割机上大多采用的是曲柄连杆机构、摆环机构。
Consequently, the machining precision of crank pin is difficult to guarantee by NC system without the compensation for response lag of servo. 如不对其做出补偿,数控系统将难以保证曲轴连杆的加工精度。
The fillets of crank pin and main journal have a relatively weak strength. In establishing the grid model for crankshaft, these fillets need to be refined. 曲柄销与主轴颈的圆角为强度较薄弱部位,在建立曲轴网格模型时,需要对这些圆角处进行细化。